You can Contact Hacienda Security for assistance at any time!
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SubscribeHacienda's security program has a number of elements to help make the park as secure and safe as possible. Patrols provide comprehensive circulation throughout the park 24 hours a day. Park users are also offered everything from educational programs to free security and safety inspections. Hacienda Security's prime objective is to protect both private property and property managed by the park. Private property includes all developed and undeveloped sites within the park.
Property managed by the park is found throughout Hacienda and includes such things as street landscaping, decorative features, street lighting, traffic control systems, and park signs. These items are typically found in park common areas, or in areas created for the enjoyment of Hacienda tenants and the general public.
Hacienda Security is conveniently reached by e-mail. To e-mail Hacienda Security, simply send your message to This address will forward messages to the Lead Security Officer as well as other security representatives in charge of the program at the park. Hacienda Security can also be reached 24 hours a day by phone at (925) 734-6520.
A system of Security Coordinators is established throughout Hacienda with each tenant having one person in their office as a designated contact for Hacienda Security. The park uses this contact as a liaison to the park security program and directs communication to that person on matters of park security and safety. Hacienda's Security Officers periodically visit this coordinator to distribute security materials, bulletins and special information. This person is also used as a contact in emergencies or when communication is passed along from local agencies such as the police or fire departments.
Hacienda Security offers a free program to all Hacienda owners that provides extra security services during non-business hours. A special auxiliary patrol checks the exterior doors of each enrolled site one time every night between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. In addition to the door checks, enrollees also receive two building perimeter observations. If either of these checks reveal anything out of the ordinary, the Security Officers then follow customized instructions which are developed by each project. Under this program, special assignments may also be given to the Supplemental Security patrol such as verifying that specific entries are secure at specific times or monitoring the status of alarm systems. This helps tailor the program to meet any site specific needs. To get this program started at your location, simply make the selection below.
The Pleasanton Police Department, organized around a community policing program, routinely patrols Hacienda. All police incidents are logged and a summary report prepared each month for incidents occurring within the development. You can access and print these that reports with the following selection. Materials A number of materials have been collected on various security and safety needs. These materials are available to any park tenant, employee or owner. Materials may be ordered or viewed online through the Resource Center under your Hacienda account, or via the Hacienda 24-hour Security Hotline at (925) 734-6552, or by contacting the park office.
A number of materials have been collected on various security and safety needs. These materials are available to any park tenant, employee or owner. Materials may be ordered or viewed online through the Resource Center under your Hacienda account, or via the Hacienda 24-hour Security Hotline at (925) 734-6552, or by contacting the park office.