Have you ever wondered how to get the word out about your business to other Hacienda tenants? Or find out which fellow tenants are on Twitter or Facebook? Hacienda has just launched a free online community on nuAlerts that offers unprecedented marketing exposure to other tenants and to the local community. This online community includes the first social media directory listing of Hacienda tenants, a calendar of tenant events, tenant alerts and promotions, a community News Ticker, and even a weekly Tenant to Tenant Newsletter.
In fact, the first Tenant to Tenant Newsletter and welcome email have just been released, and several tenants have already logged into their free accounts to take advantage of this groundbreaking medium to drive new business.
As a next-generation social media marketing tool delivering no-cost promotional exposure, nuAlerts has been steadily gaining ground as the prime online disseminator of local marketing-oriented communications. And no wonder - it is fast, environmentally friendly (paperless), and, for Hacienda tenants, free.
"When asked, business owners state that they want more exposure to local tenants and local community, more online exposure, and more social media and mobile marketing options," says nuAlerts founder and CEO Reena Jadhav. "nuAlerts delivers all three options to tenants including a free email marketing account, lead generation opportunity, and, frankly, an easy way to spread the word."
With this launch, Hacienda becomes the first business community outside the local chambers of commerce to offer nuAlerts services to its members. Every tenant now has a free nuAlerts account to disseminate news of upcoming events, promotions, and discounts quickly and cost effectively, simply by posting an alert - a process that takes less than five minutes.
"We are committed to providing world-class services to our tenants to ensure their business success. To that end, nuAlerts provides business communities like ours the next generation in member-to-member marketing along with tremendous free marketing for our tenants," said James Paxson, General Manager, Hacienda.
The powerful marketing platform combines the best of search engine optimization, social network messaging, text messaging, widget, and email marketing into a single easy-to-use service. It helps connect, engage, and monetize business communities, creating new opportunities for no-cost lead generation while significantly paring down the need for time-consuming web site updates.
Within Hacienda, nuAlerts provides more exposure to fellow tenants via multiple options: a Tenant to Tenant Newsletter that includes one post per tenant per week, distributed to all participating businesses; a Hacienda calendar in which to promote upcoming events or promotions; and a Hacienda social media directory so tenants can follow other tenants on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
In addition, by interconnecting with aggregations of other business groups, such as participating local chambers of commerce, alerts are disseminated far beyond the original base, exploding message delivery to multiple social media channels.
Two early adopters in Hacienda include Faz restaurant and Kinder's Meats and Deli. Faz Paroushi, chef-owner of Faz, is using nuAlerts to send out recipes, how-to videos, invitations, and specials to customers through their preferred medium. "They can get text alerts, or take our Faz Ticker with them, or simply get updates on their Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook pages. Best of all, nuAlerts does it all!"
Mark Gnoonan of Kinder's shares Paroushi's enthusiasm. "In just a few months we have had over 180 text messaging subscribers to our daily special alerts, via nuAlerts! We are pleased with the adoption and nuAlerts has helped us launch our social media strategy quickly and cost effectively."
Hacienda tenants can access their free account and post promotions or events at www.nualerts.com or contact the Hacienda Owners Association's office for details on participating in the Hacienda nuAlerts community. For information about free training webinars, visit www.nualerts.com/index.php?page=webinars.
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